Thursday, October 25, 2012

#28 Cont'd More Pictures

2700  That’s me of course standing by the Sandhaka Tower, the smallest of the four remaining towers.  He was a woodcutter and Po Nagar’s foster-father

2701  This is Po Nagar, aka Bharagari, Mother of the Cham People.  Lots of jewels on her.

2705  These are the pillars at the foot of the hill below the Cham Towers.

2706   The front two structures of  Po Nagar’s Tower.  The top of the one on the right is a smaller version of the top of the largest one off to the left but you can see it better because it’s closer.

2713  This is the Cham family that invited me to join them for lunch.  The woman in the lime green with the black scarf gave the invitation.  The little girl in the white shirt and embroidered jeans was keeping an eye on me.

2713  What gorgeous eyes you have my dear!  So cute.

2739  This is the girl on the elephant carved into the back of Ganeca’s Tower.

2743  Diana is walking behind the three north side towers, from closest to most distant, Sandhaka, Cri Cambhu and Po Nagar Towers.  Also happens to be smallest to largest.  You can see that although the Cri Cambhu Tower the second biggest of the four it has the simplest dome.

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