Monday, October 15, 2012

#23 Cont'd More Pictures

1562  The double eaved Hall of Eminent Favor

1583  Diana on the Great Wall, Western Slope.  She’s wearing the ‘I Climbed the Great Wall’ t-shirt she bought here 10 years ago.  The large structure below her is the main garrison for this section of the wall.  You can see the wall going up the eastern slope behind her to the first eastern guard tower.  You might not be able to see it but the wall continues along that first ridge all the way to the edge of the picture and on from there.

1586  I took this picture from the first western tower.  The round bowl shaped area you can see half of just past the garrison is the courtyard where the little temple is located.  You can see the wall going up the eastern slope and then across the ridgeline all the way off the photo.          A little over half an inch in from the edge you can see a guard tower.  (Remember if you click on the small picture in the blog you get a larger copy)

1633  This is the Phoenix Crown of the Empress Xu, Yongle’s wife.


I find that email with 4 or less pictures are sent reliably.  When I attach more they process for a long time and then often timeout and are not sent.

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