Monday, October 22, 2012

#27 Cont'd More Pictures

2424  This is the altar of one of the temples in the Macau complex.  You can see the incense sticks in the bowl as well as the flower and candle offerings.  If you look at the top of the picture on either side above the wooden disks suspended from the ceiling you can see the bottom of two incense coils.

2426  The dog dancers and their band.  The band consists of drums,, gongs and cymbals

2432  This is the innocent looking but wonderful pastry that I first tried in Belem, Portugal.  Not really surprising that it’s here in China as the Portuguese held Macau for hundreds of years.

2443  In this shot of the temple complex you can see part of three temples.  Just above the wall on the left is the roof of one temple.  The second temple is the pink one in the foreground with the circular window.  That the one I sent the altar picture of.

2444  Various sizes of incense coils in the sales area.

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