Friday, October 5, 2012

#15 At Sea Oct 3

333 Diana with Usman & Ali, Our Waiter and Assistant

326 Diana with Agnes, Our Wine Steward



Oct 3 – At Sea.  After yesterday’s exciting round of “Can you find Diana?” I’m ready for a day at sea.  We’re traveling through rain squalls which hopefully means that when we get to Yokohama they skies will be clear.


They had High Japanese Tea in the Dining Room at 4PM.  I don’t usually go to tea but I figured they’d have some Japanese goodies on the buffet.  They did.  Most moche with red bean past inside.  The Japanese palate tends toward savory and salty not so much sweet.  Most of their desert items are very mild and subtle.  The display was colorful as well as tasty.  It’s kind of a shame that so many of my fellow travelers are not open to anything new or outside their comfort zone.  Oh well, their loss.


Our entertainer was Tony Pace.  He has a very versatile voice and sang music from the 50s to the 80s while delivering comic patter in between.  A very high energy and enjoyable show.


The seas are a little rocky tonight.  Not rough just a gentle side to side motion that varies in amplitude.  Just right for rocking me to sleep.


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