Tuesday, October 16, 2012

#24 Cont'd More Pictures

1822  This is the Female Bronze Lion and Cub that guard the Gate of Supreme Harmony from evil spirits that might slip past the thresholds.  You can see the ramp between the two staircases that was used only by the emperor’s carriage.

1826  This is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Emperor’s throne room.

1889  This picture of the bride shows her necklace, feather like corsage and the cigarette tray.

1890  In this picture you can see the rest of her dress.  It’s very beautiful but a bit too loud to beat the Japanese kimono’s out for first place.  At least that’s my opinion.  I won’t be offended if you disagree.

1909   This is the Qinian Dian, Hall of Prayer for a Good Year.  It’s a very beautiful structure.

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