Friday, November 2, 2012

#32 cont'd More Pictures

3668  Lady washing clothes by the artificial lake as her girls play nearby.

3671  Mom and daughter enjoying the wading pool.  She’s just starting to wave to me.  Sure looked refreshing watching mom splash her with her feet.

3751  Banyu Mulek ladies making pots.  The lady at the top is rolling a coil to add to her pot.  You can see the finished product just behind the pot on the holder in front of her.  The lady nearest to us is smoothing her bowl with a wet sponge.

3759  This is the straw pile firing process I was talking about.  The pots in the foreground are being cleaned of ashes and soot.  The pile in the back is smoldering.

3773  Diana and our Horse Cart (cidomos)

3784  Here we are at Halloween dinner.  Cute huh?

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