Thursday, September 20, 2012

Report #2 - SeaTac, WA

Thought you might like to see Diana and Betty with a statue honoring the first woman to graduate from OSU in 1870, Alice E. Biddle.

Addendum to Sept 18 - SeaTac, WA.
  We went clean up shopping in the afternoon.  Now that we've been on the road a few days we've discovered that we didn't bring some things we like to have so we visited Target, REI and a few other places to fill in the gaps. 

In the evening we visited some long-term friends that left Irvine for the Northwest many years ago, Martin and Sue.  Diana was the AWANA leader for their daughter, Liz.  It was great to see them and catch up on family and friends.  A wonderful home cooked dinner made the evening that much more special.  A great evening with good people.  

Sept 19 - SeaTac, WA.  Today we are going to redistribute the weight of our carry-on luggage.  Diana wound up with way too many heavy items in her bag and I'm trading her for some of the light items in my bag.  Actually, mostly I'm taking stuff from her, as I never fully stuff any bag I'm taking with me.  The remainder of our luggage, both shipped and from the hotel will show up on our room when we're on the ship.  At least that's the theory.  I have to say that it's worked well for us every time. 

Tonight we're having dinner with a friend, Heather, we met while aboard ship quite a few years ago.  She used to work for HAL in the Shorex Dept. but when she got married and wanted to start a family she took a job with our travel agent.  Her husband, Eric, also works for HAL but his duties have taken him out of town for a few days.  We're looking forward to meeting her son, Thijs, this evening. 

Once again, a wonderful home-cooked meal and Thijs is a little charmer.  Big smile and three dimples, one chin and each cheek.  Shy at first but warmed up quickly.  You never know with 2-year-olds.  When Diana started to read one of his books for him, he practically crawled up into her lap.  He loves books and I have to say that's a very good sign of a successful future adult.  We were sorry not to meet Eric but look forward to visiting with them again.

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