Thursday, September 20, 2012

Italics Warning and Sept 16

Hi again,  Traditionally I send this warning with my first post.  I forgot this time so here it is.  -Rod

Sept 16 - Corvallis, WA
.  Well, it turns out the Buick is a nice car to drive, I certainly like all the gadgets, rear-view TV camera, ventilated seats, etc. but the gas mileage is not very good. 

I forgot to send out my "Italics" warning so here it is.  Anything in my journal that is written in italics is not particularly travel related and may be totally politically incorrect.  Usually they are rants about some truly inane behavior or situation I observed that I wanted to remember.  When no one else was reading my journal I didn't bother to do this but I wanted to give the reader a chance to avoid being offended by my admittedly somewhat cynical, impatient and irritable view of some things.  If you enjoy political correctness or are somewhat thin-skinned please skip over anything you see written in italics, usually prefaced by something like Author's Note:
.  Sometimes they are just something I want to remember that I think might be boring to others.  These paragraphs will be titled, Architectural Note: or Geographical Note:.  Generally, notes with this title are safe to read but not necessarily interesting.  In Europe my knowledge of architecture and my love of symbolism in the construction of religious buildings can lead to some lengthy notes.  The traditions and symbols of the Orient are not as well known to me so there probably won't be much in that area on which to comment.

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