Saturday, December 8, 2012

#57 Home at Last.

Thanks for going with us on our trip.  Next launch is April 2013.  See you then.


Dec 5 – San Diego, California.  Disembarkation starts at 8:15am and we are scheduled for 8:45.  In USA ports this is often delayed by various inspections, screenings and other security, health or customs proceedings.  Since I’m sure that the ship has reported the novo outbreak there might be even more delays today.  So we’re up at 6:30am and headed to breakfast just in case things are on schedule.


Well, I’m not sure how it happened but disembarkation started on time and we were off the ship before 9am and on our way the auto rental location.  Customs apparently was not that interested in our ship and everyone I saw was waived through.  We didn’t have to go through Immigration as we had already done that in Honolulu.


We usually take the train but I had a thought.  Because we have a lot of luggage we have to take a taxi to the station, the train to Santa Ana, our station does not handle checked baggage, and then a taxi back home.  I looked up rental cars in San Diego for a one-way rental to John Wayne and it was a lot less expensive than the train and two taxis.  We got our car, drove to Irvine, unloaded the luggage, returned the car to John Wayne and were on our way to lunch at 11:30am.  The first train that had checked luggage to Santa Ana was at Noon so we’d still have been in the station in San Diego at that time.  Easiest trip from ship to home or vice versa we’ve ever had.


Now the unpacking and laundry begins.  It’s good to be back in the USA.


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