Tuesday, December 4, 2012

#55 Cont'd More Pictures

6153  The turtle on the island.  When he slipped into the water I thought I’d seen the last of him.

6181  But No!!  There he is creeping, crawling actually, up on me.

6223  Lava plume in the caldera of Kilauea Volcano.  You can see three places with molten lava, but the longer one in the center is shooting out about 30 feet at the longest point.

3227  This small island of trees and grass has a small stretch of road running through it.  Must be a high spot because the lava has totally surrounded it.

3230  Another narrow strip of land cut in half down the middle by lava.  Wonder where that road used to go.

6258  In a less volcanic part of the island there are waterfalls and rivers.  It’s been dry.  Imagine what these falls and streams would look like if it had been raining lately.

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